Posted on : 08-10-2020
Goa wants to know where Dr Pramod Sawant’s loyalties lie and what leverage he’s got with the Centre & whether he’s intent on using it in favour of Goa & Mother Mhadei!_
Even amidst the pandemic, every Goan is concerned about the unsavoury turn of events in Mhadei issue. The highhandedness displayed by Karnataka and the helplessness of the Goa CM even when it’s BJP ruling at the Centre, Karnataka & Goa, is highly alarming for Goans. If things move on this one-sided angle, the lifeline of Goa will be lost bringing with it disastrous environmental impact and also affect the livelihood of Goans depending on the bountiful resources of the Mandovi & it’s tributaries.
This is the litmus test for Dr Pramod Sawant to prove his allegiance to the Goan cause and not the party dictats. He’s the CM of Goa and it’s high time he acted as one. The CMs responsibility doesn’t end with the high office but is more as a Leader of the people. Can Dr Pramod Sawant prove himself as the Leader of Goans and not a political stooge of BJP which is favouring the unjust aspirations of the demographically larger state of Karnataka for vote bank politics?
I make a fervent appeal to the CM to do everything in his capacity to stop the atrocious violations & manipulations of Karnataka on Mhadei.
I also request the Opposition to put up a United Stand cutting across all petty differences because this is not politics but the survival of Goa and Goemkarponn.
Let’s together fight to give back Mother Mhadei the honour of an unhindered natural flow that nourishes Goa!