Posted on : 07-10-2020
Corona has made even the most economically developed nations rethink about the extant economic concepts. It’s now being universally accepted that our present mode of development is not sustainable in times of strife like the Covid pandemic and has detrimental effects in the long run on the environment.
Thus the need for a sustainable economic revival that could withstand similar onslaughts. Self-sufficiency in food production is one of the key areas. In the present Covid scenario, availability of food stocks play’s a major role when lockdowns are imposed by states & countries that are interdependent.
Agricultural revival on a more nature friendly platform is being promoted by all vibrant economies. The revival of agriculture with government patronage could ensure larger employability. Goa has a resilient agricultural sector for a long time but lack of Government support has lead to dwindling agricultural activities. There’s a need to give financial and infrastructure boost to this most important sector of our survival.
The consumer products industry for which Goa is mostly dependent can be fostered within Goa that will again create employment opportunities and revenue. Transparent and Quicker processing of permissions, licenses etc with minimal red tape will enable entrepreneurs to invest in Small and Medium Scale Industries by utilising the various schemes & financial support announced by Centre.
Tourism still continues to be the backbone of our economy but with the global pandemic situation making a serious dent on it, the hopes of its revival lies on the eradication of the pandemic. Until then, we need to provide sustenance & rehabilitation to those in the Tourism industry and also need to explore alternative options like Knowledge Industry which can provide fertile startup grounds in our state.
Revival in this Covid scenario demands that Administration needs strengthening with induction of technology to avoid delays and reduce public footfalls in Government offices. E-Filing and digital responses/approvals must substitute the present system that’s neither transparent nor helps reduce Covid spread as people are forced to crowd up before Government offices for even mundane things. E-enabled direct benefit of welfare schemes should be revamped to full efficacy to avoid public inconvenience.
The plans, projects and schemes announced pre-Covid should be reviewed, revised or replaced to suit the present Covid situation so that projects don’t get shunted halfway nor do funds end up unutilised.
To facilitate the all round restorative process of Goa, the Government needs to take into confidence all the stakeholders including all elected representatives and act in tandem with the expectations of its people. A Government proves it’s mettle during time’s of strife by being With the People. The question is will CM Pramod Sawant and his team take the call and collaborate with everyone for the common good and revival of Goa.